måndag 24 februari 2014

                       Madeleine have given birth....!

And then it was publiced in the news...
 Born in Cornell medical center  22:41 I New York local time.

Hennes birthchart is set in the tropical zodiac with whole signs house system.

Noticable is that the girl is born with ascending sign Scorpio.
(same as her mother)
She have Saturn in first house with the Moon which adds seriousity and
intensity in the character. She will probably feel some pressure on her
to appear in the correct manner in her life performance.
The square from Mercury in 4th house(roots) to Saturn in the first house
shows the role that heredity and family of origin is in her life.
A nice Jupiter in 9th house showing good fortune in foreign lands and
expansion in studies and traveling.
Her MC (public standing) is in Leo which shows publically being in
a central role, which the sun trining her ascendant also tells of.